So gas here in Fayetteville, NC is now averaging $4.04 a gallon for regular unleaded. For me that's about $280 a month to commute 50 miles from home. Needless to say, it's a huge household expense, and I have found myself skipping a meal or two to adjust for the expense. It's ludicrous when I think just two years ago, the amount I pay in gas per month was my weekly net income. I'm not sure what other people are doing to put gas in their cars--one thing I'm not doing is staying in the house. I tried, but I just can't. I refuse to be a hostage to this insanity. At the same time, I wonder if I'm contributing to the problem.
Economists say the reason for the high gas prices is demand. I'm not sure if I buy any of the reasoning for the prices, but it doesn't help that middle class Americans like myself are probably invested in the oil companies through our mutual funds and 401Ks thereby fueling (pun intended) the very problem we lament. Although there doesn't seem to be an end in sight, I hold out hope. Whoever the next president of the United States will be I think he will be forced to explore alternative energys, which will spur the future of electric mobilization and dare I say it: aero-cars!!! Ya'll probably think I'm crazy, but to officially refute those who talk about the "end-of-days" theory to explain the craziness in the world, we're nowhere near the end of days because we haven't yet seen the engineering of flying cars. Anyway, I'm not sure if flying cars is the answer to lower gas prices, but I'm not sure staying home is the answer either. But I do know that divesting in oil companies, the Iraq war, and spending money to research alternative fuels is! And here is the rest of it.
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