Pardon me if this post seems over-simplistic or a little edgy. I am this close to revising my voter registration from Democrat to "Who gives a damn?" Is that a political party? At first, like the rest of America, I was so energized about the primaries--we all know the story--history in the making--Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, on the cusp of creating a never-before-seen event--a minority to represent the nominee in this year's general presidential election. Whoseever side you were on--Hillary or Barack, it was full of excitement! Towards the middle of May, however, things got awkward, frustrating, and a little surreal. The election has essentially been cast in the media with the incessant polls of which demographic was voting for whom, that would really make a Sociologist smile. :) But really, it has all become annoying because the lines of reality and media fiction are blurred...even for me.
For instance, I can't seem to make out the so-called hostility between the Clinton and Obama camps. Is this hostility derived from media-driven frenzies regarding sound-bites like Clinton's use of the word "fairy-tale"? or is it simply from being a sore-loser after a hard-fought and otherwise brilliant Clinton campaign. Obviously, there's some inside stuff that I know nothing about, but I do know my feelings and Clinton's subtle support of Barack Obama is leaving a VERY VERY bad taste in my mouth for the Democratic chance in November. And here is the rest of it.
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