It's no surprise that Don Imus, radio shock jock is in the news again for making questionable racial comments. He has built a career of making incendiary statements that get people riled up--its the reason WABC hired him after his firing from NBC for his wicked remarks regarding the Rutger's Women's Basketball team. His "excuse" for the comment about Adam "PacMan" Jones, troubled NFL star, where he questioned, "What color is he?" after listing his many run-ins with the law was that he was being "sarcastic", pointing to the belief that oft-times African Americans are arrested for no reason in this country. Here's why that's full of sh*#. 1) He failed to immediately expound on this "plight" of African Americans to clarify his position; 2) He was privvy to the facts of Jones' legal troubles, KNOWING full well that he hadn't been arrested for no good reason; and 3) Imus, too has fallen into this trap that the media has set to make the public believe that black NBA and NFL players are ne'er-do-wells or overpaid thugs. If you counted the number of players in both leagues and compared those with on-going or even one-time legal trouble, it wouldn't BEGIN to compare to members of the United States Congress, Senate, Governors, Mayors, Representatives, or other local officials--most of whom happen to be white! So, let's keep it real. Imus has been around long enough to know better, but then he's a whore for ratings (he's also apart of those setting those false traps!).
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